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Flat Fox One Step Photopolymer Emulsion


  • No need for diazo!
  • Longer shelf life, up to 1 year from manufacture date
  • One-part, pre-sensitized. No mixing, no diazo required
  • Exposes about 4x faster than typical two-part emulsion
  • 47% solids and easy to reclaim
  • Can be used with discharge inks as-is.


Flat Fox One Step Photopolymer Emulsion is  a pure photopolymer presensitized emulsion that is universally suitable for all inks, including solvent, water-base, and discharge inks.


If you haven't used a one step polymer before and are used to Diazo Emulsions, try this out, it's a great emulsion - not only does it have a really long shelf life, it exposes much faster and washes out easily.

This emulsion exposes up to 4 times faster than emulsions that are mixed with Diazo. This is great for when you want to get fine detail exposed on your screen and perfect for simpler designs too. Once exposed and cleaned out and dried, you can put your screen back onto your light for post exposure to make the stencil more water resistant. 

STORAGE When sealed in the original container and stored in cool conditions, Flat Fox PHU 2 will maintain its original properties for one year from the date of production.


Flat Fox One Step Photopolymer Emulsion

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